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The flower language of the hydrangea varies according to countries.
Let's be because a color of the hydrangea does oddity from white, bluish violet to purplish red from green; or ...
Which "the end of the family is with" "capricious heart" "strong love" "pleasures of a happy home" as for the flower language in Japan. In France "a cheerful woman." It is interesting that flower language varies according to countries though it is the same flower. As the French soil is alkaline, the hydrangea of the pink color of a flower is with the mainstream. The pink hydrangea which changed color is very pretty and shines vividly under the sky of the slightly cloudy weather.
The hydrangea which gets wet with the weather, and changes color even more.
Come to the Sogo Reido Hydrangea Festival by all means to enjoy a colorful hydrangea.
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