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February 02, 2025
A holding place: Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, Sogo Reido Sanctuary
Naritasan Shinshoji Temple Setsubun society
Holding date
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Holding time
The special ceremony of driving out the devils bean-scattering ceremony: The first 11:00 ..., the second 13:30 ..., the third 16:00 ...
Including the Grand Sumo Tournament sumo wrestler, I have participate in many celebrities as a special age man, and beans are surrounded in front of Daihondo Hall grandly.
The latest information, please identify Naritasan Shinshoji Temple formula Instagram (External link).
The special ceremony of driving out the devils bean-scattering ceremony special participation age man Grand Sumo Tournament sumo wrestler (plan) ※January, 2025 ranking order
- Yokozuna Hoshou dragon (the second)
- Village (the first, the second) of Ozeki University
- 前頭髙安 (the first, the second)
- Maegashira Endo (the first, the second, three times)
- The maegashira prison sea (the first, the second, three times)
Taiga Drama Series "awful ... 蔦重栄華乃夢噺 ..." performer (plan)
- Akira Yasuda (the part of Gennai Hiraga)
- Small turf blowing snow (the well of the flower is used)
- Miyazawa gadoid (the part of Okitomo Tanuma)
- Miki Mizuno (the part of いね)
- Ken Watanabe (the part of Okitsugu Tanuma) ※Only as for the first
The good luck bean-scattering ceremony: 9:30, 12:30, 15:00
A sumo wrestler, the Taiga Drama Series performer does not participate in "the good luck bean-scattering ceremony".
"The good luck bean-scattering ceremony" can participate in anyone. The participation fee is 10000 yen per person.
After a goma prayer, the bean-scattering ceremony is held in before Buddha of the principal idol Acala, and I pray for 開運招福 of one year.
About an application for good luck bean-scattering ceremony age man participation
A participation fee: 10,000 yen
Clothes: Freedom. The ceremony of driving out the devils haori is lent
The offer number of people: Each 100 times
An application: Naritasan Shinshoji Temple Kourinkaku the first floor total receptionist
The details: Please contact a person in charge of Naritasan Shinshoji Temple good luck bean-scattering ceremony (a phone number: 0476-22-2111).
Naritasan Shinshoji Temple reference
Naritasan Shinshoji Temple
A phone number: 0476-22-2111 (from 8:00 to 16:00) (External link)
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Sogo Reido Sanctuary Setsubun society
The Setsubun society ceremony of driving out the devils is held in the Sogo Reido Sanctuary.
In addition, a wonderful skill of "the ladder paste" which there is succeeded from the Edo era is shown.
Holding date
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Holding time
An age man: A woman born under the same zodiac sign as the current year special at 11:00, 15:00: 11:00 (age man 11:00 and the same time)
A ladder paste announcement: 11:00, 15:00
In front of Sogo Reido Sanctuary main hall of a Buddhist temple
Sogo Reido Sanctuary reference
Sogo Reido Sanctuary
A phone number: 0476-27-3132
Charm of Narita
Narita holds various Events throughout the year
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