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The advice of the copying of a sutra

The advice of the at-home copying of a sutra

As new coronavirus infectious disease expansion preventive measures, the copying of a sutra dojo studio (peace Daito) of the Naritasan is closed, but I copy a sutra on Naritasan copying of a sutra paper at home and can do a copied sutra now. How about experiencing it at home at this opportunity?
For more details, please confirm a Naritasan Shinshoji Temple homepage.

  • Narita gallery

Narita shikisaisai
Event information

Narita Eel Festival

From Friday, July 12 to Wednesday, August 28

Naritasan Mitama Festival, Bon Dance Festival

From Friday, August 23 to 24th Saturday 


Naritasan Shinshoji Temple Antique Fair

Every month 28th (I take a rest in January)

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