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Narita shikisaisai Photo contest "scenery of Narita" 2024-2025 work offer

Offer theme 

There is much beautiful scenery in our Narita.
A festival and the living of Events, a famous temple with a venerable history and the cityscape of the door front conveying history, the new town which overflows that people come and go and are full and people to come to the rich Nature, native district showing each expression. The Narita City Tourism Association recruits the works which cut various "now of Narita" as seasonal scenery under the theme of "sightseeing".


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Prize, the prize money

For each one grand prix five people in total

  • Narita shikisaisai Grand Prix prize money 50,000 yen
  • It is all parts Grand Prix prize money 20,000 yen in winter spring, summer, autumn

Two judge special prizes

Prize money 20,000 yen

A certificate of merit and a souvenir are given to seven people of winning a prize as above.

Winning around ten people

Certificate of merit, souvenir

Around ten fine works

Certificate of merit, souvenir

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The application deadline

※Please be careful in the deadline of each section.

Spring part It was photographed for from February 4 to May 31
It must arrive by June 30
Summer part It was photographed by from June 1 to September 1
It must arrive by September 30
The autumn district It was photographed for from September 2 to November 30
It must arrive by December 27
Winter part It was photographed for from December 1 to February 2
It must arrive by February 28

The application paper is downloaded than this, and please use it.

Scenery 2024-2025 application vote of Narita shikisaisai Photo contest Narita (PDF: 1,392KB)

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Application regulations

  • A standard: A silversalt print and ink-jet print
  • Size: Wide (the work which does not correspond to the following is out of the examination.) running out of A4, running out of four, four
  • Application is possible in several points of one
  • Color monochrome is possible
  • Only as for the single photograph
  • The application by data is impossible
  • A synthetic processing photograph is impossible

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Application condition

  • With the unpublished work which an applicant photographed, the Narita city is limited to the work that it was said that it is targeted for shooting.
  • When a subject is a person, the right of likeness should be able to get consent in the responsibility of the applicant, and the sponsor does not take any responsibility in problems such as the violation of right of likeness.
  • The copyright of the prize-winning work belongs to a sponsor and uses it for a purpose of the publicity work such as a sponsor or the associated group. A motif and a photographer full name may be notified on this occasion. In addition, please refrain from exhibition and the act such as publishing it to other mediums with the same work winning a prize after being settled.
  • It may be used for public information after publishing the work passing the primary examination of each section in the Official Website for Narita City Tourism Association Web "FEEL Narita", and having got the consent of the exhibitor even before the last examination.
  • After announcing the last examination, please submit the film of the prize-winning work or digital data (CD-R) to a prizewinner. When I do not arrive by a designated date, I am disqualified.

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Application method

  • Each item of the application vote (PDF: 1,392KB) is filled in without exception, and it is attached on the back of the entry, and or mail, please apply for Narita Kankokan (Narita Tourist Pavilion) by bringing directly.

※A closed day: Monday (in the case of a holiday the next day) and from 29 to 31 on December

  • Please add furigana to a full name and a motif by all means. In addition, please fill in an e-mail address or the FAX number as it may be used for desk work contact.

Application, reference

〒286-0027 383-1, Nakamachi, Narita-shi, Chiba
(one) It is addressed to the Narita City Tourism Association Narita Kankokan (Narita Tourist Pavilion) "Photo contest secretariat"
TEL: 0476-24-3232 FAX: 0476-24-3310

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Examination and display

  • By the judge whom a sponsor and a sponsor entrust, fair examination is performed after considering a photograph technology or a motif, and a person passing each part examination will be notified of the result individually.
  • [primary examination]
    It is performed according to sections, and the passage work is released in Narita City Tourism Association official web site "FEEL Narita".
  • [the primary examination is announced]
Spring part Summer part The autumn district Winter part
The end of July The end of October The next year middle of February The next year end of March
  • [the last examination]
    It is selected from a work passing the primary examination of each section.
    [the last examination is announced] The next year end of April
  • The prize-winning work is displayed other than permanent construction display in the Narita Kankokan (Narita Tourist Pavilion) in various event sites.
  • Display: It is a place from the end of June, 2025: Narita Kankokan (Narita Tourist Pavilion)

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Commendation ceremony

  • A June, 2025 place: Sogo Reido Sanctuary (plan)

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Work return

  • The out of choice work will be returned by hope.
  • Of the application vote by "mail add a check to request for return", and please apply after enclosure with a self-addressed envelope of the stamp pasting.
  • "It is left directly, and be accompanied, and the person who can come for taking over in Narita Kankokan (Narita Tourist Pavilion) directly, please visit the check in request for" within one month after examination announcement. In addition, please contact me on a visit by all means by one week.
  • When an application vote has neither check, it should be a return unnecessary. In addition, please note that it is done with one month after announcing the examination during the storage period of the out of choice work.

(one) It is addressed to the Narita City Tourism Association Narita Kankokan (Narita Tourist Pavilion) "Photo contest secretariat"
TEL: 0476-24-3232 FAX: 0476-24-3310

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Narita shikisaisai Photo contest "scenery of Narita"Excellent work

You can see the Narita shikisaisai Photo contest "scenery of Narita" excellence work started in 2009 than this.  

Scenery excellence work of Narita

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